× Summit Hill Junior High Drama Club Presents Shrek the Musical Jr. Once upon a time, in a far away swamp, there lived an ogre named Shrek. Shrek the Musical Tickets Onsale Don't show again
Summit Hill Junior High Drama Club Presents Shrek the Musical Jr. Once upon a time, in a far away swamp, there lived an ogre named Shrek.
SHJH Musicians Selected to Perform at ILMEA Festivals These Spartans were selected out of hundreds of auditioners.
SHJH 8th Grade Boys Volleyball Team Wins DPVC Tournament Congratulations to our Spartans on winning back-to-back Des Plaines Valley Conference Tournament Championships!
Competition Cheer - Oak Forest Competition Date: Jan 19 Time: 8 AM – 11:30 AM Location: Oak Forest High School, 15201 Central Ave, Oak Forest, IL 60452, USA
Boys Basketball @ Troy - 8th Plays First Date: Jan 22 Time: 4 PM – 6 PM Location: Troy Middle School, 5800 Theodore St, Plainfield, IL 60586, USA