SHSD161 BOE Swears In First-Ever Student Board Members

Summit Hill Junior High eighth graders Audrey Brown and Kimora Franklin took the oath of office and were seated at the board’s September 18 regular meeting.

“Summit Hill School District 161 is proud to be one of the few elementary school districts in our area to have students serving as Board of Education members,” said Superintendent Dr. Paul McDermott. “With board goals that prioritize student learning and communication, empowering students to have a voice on the board not only brings valuable student perspective to board discussion, but it also creates meaningful learning opportunities for our students, giving them the opportunity to develop leadership skills.” 

As student board members, Brown and Franklin will act as a bridge of communication between the SHSD161 student body and the Board of Education, informing both groups about the other’s concerns and opinions. They will receive board packets (minus confidential materials) and attend all open board meetings. However, they will not participate in or receive materials for closed sessions. Although they will not vote, they will sit at the board table, representing their peers and contributing to discussion. 

Student board members must be in eighth grade and will serve a one-year term. Applicants are narrowed down through an application process and interviewed in person by the full Board of Education. Two student board members were selected. Brown and Franklin will serve during the 2024-25 school year. 

“We are extremely proud of the process and the applicants who stepped forward as new eighth graders, who raised their hands and offered to volunteer for this very important position,” said Board President Jim Martin during the Sept. 18 meeting. “All of the applicants were outstanding, and it was a very difficult decision for the board. These two young ladies are really amazing and we look forward to working with them this year.”


Audrey Brown

Audrey Brown is very active in music activities at SHJH, including Band, Marching Band, Jazz Band, Percussion Ensemble, Pep Band, and Orchestra. 

The Frankfort resident is also the third youngest of eight children and frequently takes on leadership roles at home. Whether it be cleaning up, babysitting her two-year-old sister, or helping to care for her biological father who has been diagnosed with terminal brain cancer, Brown is always willing to jump in and help. 

“I would like to advocate for the entire student body,” said Brown in her application. “While I would not consider myself the most popular student, I would consider myself someone who would be willing to befriend everyone.” 

“Being a leader extends beyond speaking for the majority,” added Brown. “It also is making sure that the small voices are heard.”


Kimora Franklin

Kimora Franklin is a Frankfort resident who has attended SHSD161 schools since kindergarten. She is currently a member of the Principal’s Panel at SHJH as well as the Streaming Spartans video club in which she reads the morning announcements. She is also a SHJH cheerleader.

She has also been part of the AKAdette mentoring program for the last three years and has worked to provide Christmas presents to children with incarcerated parents, meals to children who have food insecurities during time away from school, and helped to organize food drives.

“Good leaders help others and want to make things better for everyone,” said Franklin in her application. “This experience will allow me to make certain that every student’s voice is heard.” 

“I plan on becoming a political advocate when I'm older, so I can be a voice for the voiceless, be the change that I want to see. So I just want to thank you for this exceptional opportunity so that I can be able to do this,” said Franklin in her self-introduction at the board meeting.

SHSD161 is beaming with pride for our new student board members and all that they will contribute.